Monday, July 13, 2009

You wouldn't believe the attitude that is hidden behind this adorable little face! My sweet Dylan is turning into a little bully! She hits and grunts all the time. First she would just do it to me when I wanted her to do something she didn't want to like take a nap or get her diaper changed. Now she is doing it to other kids. There was a small baby, probably 6 or 8 months old, sitting behind us at church and Dylan was grunting at her and hitting her for no reason. I need to figure out how to teach her to be nice and kind or she'll end up with no friends. I didn't imagine her having such an attitude until she was older, but it's here!


  1. like mother like daughter.... Just kidding! Just make sure she is not going to turn out like Jo Jo.

  2. That is funny cause I told john that she's going to be the next Jo Jo in nursery!
